Medical Mission in Chieng Tung, Myanmar on November 22-24, 2013
With the great idea and the great initation of my best friend, Dr. Yee Yitathasiri, the assistant medical director of bumrungrad hospital, the kind support from Jao Pa, Princess, Sophawadee and Jao Vorajak Na Chieng Tung and the kind support from Air Asia. Then we could accomplish our medical mission at Chieng Tung, Takeelek district, Myanmar on 22-23-24 Nov, 2013.

With Nong Poppy, the director from Air Asia at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok

2 hours flight from Bkk to Chiengrai.

Dr. Yee Yitathasiri and Nong Lek came to pick up us at Chiengrai airport

The team are ready for the mission.

Heading to Chieng Tung, Myammar

We did packing the medication including tablets, capsules and eye drops until very late at night ~ 23.00.

In front of our hotel, Seng Tip Hotel.

Dr. Madua and Dr. Yee both of them are the very active assistant director of Bumrungrad International hospital.



